This is the back garden

This is the back garden.  As it was originally. you can see it's a big vegetable patch.

This is the back of the house.  There is  bit of  rubble and uneven concrete.
When we put in the doors we found that the ground was not level.  when we took a level line 12 feet out from the door we found  it was 2 feet from the ground so we put in a wood deck
This is not an especially good view of the deck but you can just see it. 
As this corner of the garden was a bit rough we thought we would dig a hole to have bit of the garden lower.  We weren't quite sure what we where going to do with it at this stage.
Here you can see we have started to shutter up for the walls of the hole as we named it.  There will be a 2 feet high concrete wall all around it with a waterfall at one end and a pond liner with 2 tonnes of gravel inside it.
This shows the hole with its concrete wall and rockery with waterfall.  It has a pump wich pumps water up to the top although it does loose water so needs to be looked at one day!  In the background you can see the summerhouse.