are the gates i put in when we had are first child
so she would not run out on the road i had
this idea i would put motors on them this was not as easy as i thought
started with a 12v window motor
with a rightangle drive but you can not
drive the motor backwards so i could open the
gates with out power you need to put a clutch in line
put this box on the gates to put some timers in but after trying lots
off ways i gave up then riped out all the timers and things and bought
a key fob trainsmiter

was the trainsmiter
i got for the gates it was cheep and i found it too be no
good for me it did not have the range do not bye cheep

i got this new trainsmiter it was much
better as it has a rang off 50m so will work as i come down the
road and it all so has 4 relays which can be mad to be moment or on or
of which is handy as i could keep the clutch on when the gates
are open so they would not swing in to the car when you drive through

mad this board from scratch it has two bridge rectifers on it for
the two gates and two power relays